Responding to feedback


How our proposals have changed

FORE, Amicala, and First Base have been engaging residents, council officers, community organisations, and other stakeholders since the summer.

This has included:

  • One-to-one meetings with immediate neighbours

  • Focused community workshops which showcased the initial masterplan. Feedback from these two community workshop events is available to view in further detail on this website

  • A walkaround event for the community to visit the St Christopher’s site and meet members of the team

  • Pre-application discussions with Bristol CIty Council, City Design Group and Design Review Panel

The team has sought to respond positively to the issues raised.

How we have responded to feedback

  • Removed the three-storey building from the boundary with properties along Bayswater Avenue, replacing this with a series of smaller, two-storey cottages

  • Reduced the footprint of ‘Villa A’, ensuring that the amenity and privacy of properties on Royal Albert Road is respected

  • Ensured that the tallest element of the proposals is located in the centre of the site (Villa B), away from the site boundary and neighbouring properties

  • Re-oriented ‘Villa C’, pulling this back away from the site boundary and ensuring that it is now 43 metres from neighbouring properties on the Glen

  • Joined two of the proposed buildings to form ‘Villa D’, which has allowed us to pull this away from the site boundary and create a stronger buffer between this building and existing properties on the Glen