Community engagement
FORE Partnership, Amicala and Socius are committed to ongoing engagment with the local community. Community engagement specialist MPC has supported an extensive programme of engagement - from workshops and site walkarounds to community drop-in sessions, webinars and stakeholder meetings. This engagement has helped shape the plans. Engagement will continue throughout the project.
Our winter 2021/22 consultation events
We launched a consultation on 1 December 2021, when we held our first of two drop-in sessions for the community to view the proposals. This was followed by two webinars in Janaury.
September 2021
On 21st September, two community workshop sessions were held with stakeholder groups and immediate neighbours to the site. These sessions for the first time presented the project team’s early-stage thinking on the masterplan for the development and the design principles for the site.
The first session (from 3-5pm) included an equal mix of stakeholder groups (e.g. Bristol Civic Society, Redland & Cotham Amenities Society, Henleaze Society) and immediate neighbours with the second session (6-8pm) having a greater proportion of immediate neighbours to the site. Representatives from the Westbury Park Community Association attended both workshop sessions.
The two workshops discussed:
The constraints and opportunities of the St Christopher’s site
Key design principles that should inform the development process
The initial masterplan for the site’s redevelopment.
Across the two sessions, more than forty people attended and provided their views. The key themes that came from the sessions were:
Importance to retain the existing character of the site
Respect for boundaries between the site’s edges and neighbouring properties
Concern about density, scale and massing of the proposed new buildings
The need to provide sufficient parking on site and have a coherent access strategy
A requirement to protect green space and local biodiversity
Recognition of the potential of the site for sustainable development and intergenerational living
Full notes from the two sessions can be found here
The design team are in the process of reviewing all of the feedback received and we will come back to the community later this year to present further, more detailed plans for the site. At that point there will be a range of opportunities for the local community to provide feedback on the plans, including an in-person event, prior to the submission of a planning application. In the meantime, if you have any comments or feedback, please email feedback@stchristophersbristol.com.
July 2021
On 14th July, local residents were invited for 45-minute walking tours of St Christopher’s to get to know the site and find out more about the development partnership bringing forward the proposals.
The tours also gave residents the opportunity to provide comments on the initial concepts for the site and suggest organisations with whom the development partnership should look to partner.
92 local residents attended the six walking tours throughout the day.
Key themes that came from the site tours were:
The sizing and siting of new development and the proximity of this to neighbouring properties
Strong views that there should be no form of access onto The Glen
The impact that new development could have on local parking challenges
How the development could support local biodiversity and improve sustainability given the site’s proximity to The Downs
Opportunities for community uses on the site including links with Westbury Park School
These two events were the first of a number of opportunities that will provide opportunities for local residents to visit St Christopher’s and comment on the future of the site.

July 2021
On 8th and 9th July, members of the project team met with 30 immediate neighbours to the site on an individual basis to discuss the future of the St Christopher’s site.
The key themes that came from these meetings were:
Strong preference for no pedestrian or vehicular access from The Glen
Providing sufficient parking (as well as other options for sustainable travel e.g., car clubs) with a desire to see if this development could help bring forward an RPZ in the area
Height and massing especially with a focus on overlooking
Wall maintenance and boundary treatments for properties on Royal Albert Road
Support for community benefits e.g. access for Westbury Park School, facilities in Grace House or play park
June 2021
Members of the project team held a series of meetings with the Westbury Park Community Association as well as the councillors for Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze and councillors for Redland.
The focus of these meetings was to introduce the development partnership, understand local issues and explore the proposed community engagement programme.
Next steps
The project team are considering all the feedback received as the initial plans for the site are developed.
In the autumn, we will hold a wider public consultation with the local community to allow residents to feedback on the plans for the site and discuss how we can best deliver long-term benefits to the area.
Get in touch
In the meantime, if you have any comments or questions you can get in touch with the project team by:
Emailing us on: feedback@stchristophersbristol.com
Calling us on:
0800 148 8911 (freephone)
Writing to us at: