Public Consultation
Our public consultation closed on Wednesday 26 January 2022.
Thank you to everyone who has engaged. We are reviewing the feedback received and preparing our planning application. A planning application will be submitted to Bristol City Council shortly.
At the request of the Westbury Park Community Association (WPCA) the St Christopher’s Square project team hosted two webinars - open to anyone - on 20 January to provide an additional opportunity for people to understand what’s proposed and answer any questions.
This remains part of the same consultation period that began on Wednesday 1 December 2021 with the two drop-in events held at the St Christopher’s site.
For anyone unable to attend, recordings of the webinars are published on the homepage of this website.
A copy of the presentation is available to download.
We launched a public consultation with the local community on Wednesday 1 December 2020 to understand residents’ aspirations for the future of this important location, discuss how we can best deliver long-term benefits to the area and showcase our proposals for the site.
More detailed information on our proposals can be found under the ‘public consultation’ tab at the top of this page.
Some of the information displayed at drop-in sessions on the 1 and 4 December is accessible through the links below. Alternatively you can download a full copy of the information displayed at the drop-in sessions here and you can tell us what you think through a survey here.
If you would like any further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via one of these methods:
Call our Freephone line on 0800 148 8911
Write to us at Freepost, MPC CONSULTATION (no stamp required)
Email us at feedback@stchristophersbristol.com