Students submit designs for North House

Students from Ashton Park School were invited to St Christopher’s to design the refurbishment of North House as part of the Bristol Works scheme.

The event was held in two parts. First the 40 Year 10 students met with project managers, investors, operators, architects, planners, and engineers to understand the roles and careers available in this sector and to ask questions through a ‘speed dating’ exercise.

Then the real work began. After being briefed on the requirements for North House – a flexible community space that is accessible to all and sustainable – the seven groups were sent to develop their proposals and prepare to sell their ideas to fellow students and professionals alike. Professionals were on hand to answer questions and offer advice; the Socius team were very impressed with the creative and practical ideas discussed.

Luke Martin, senior project manager, Socius, said: “We were delighted to host the students at our site in Westbury Park to discuss design, planning and development. We asked interested students to design a future community space and we were very impressed with the quality of suggestions and inspiring, innovative ideas received. Each team had at least one genuinely good idea.

“It’s so important to listen to young voices and nurture young talent. The students were a credit to their school. We couldn’t have delivered such a fantastic event without our partnership with Bristol Works.”

“We look forward to revisiting the students in the future to show how some of their ideas have been taken on board and will hopefully be brought to life as part of our proposals for St Christopher’s Square.”



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